avsindavsastrology@gmail.com (+91) 9841158011


Our Services

Analysis of the one year period from one birth date to the next year birth date (or) from the present month for a year ahead

The Hindu system believes in past Karma which again cannot be changed, but the present Karma can be controlled through certain rem

Astrology treats about the influence of those heavenly bodies -- the planets and the stars -- on human life and affairs connected with it.

A Warm Welcome to
Avs Astrology

The renowned Astrological couple, A V Subramanian and Indira Subramanian more known as AVS ASTROLOGERS are hereditary professional Astrologers (spanning 4-5 generations) giving Astrological predictions and guidance for more than quarter century.

Life Reading, Annual Reading, Individual aspect of life, Marriage matching, prescribing Remedial measures, Prashna Astrology are some of our Astrology services.

The services offered are under the science of predictive astrology and advising suitable remedial measures.

Branches of Modern Astrology

Prasna system is an interrogatory, horary, electional, event interpretation astrology in which a question is asked as to when will this happen

Remedial Measure

The Hindu system believes in past Karma which again cannot be changed, but the present Karma can be controlled through certain remedies.

Words from our clients

Ever since our inception we have been having a lot of satisfactory clients. Here are some of the testimonials from our very esteemed clients

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