G-1, Guru Kasthuri Flats,
N0. 10, 18th Street, Nanganallur,
Chennai 600061.
Tamilnadu, India.
+91 9841158011
Analysis of each individual aspect of life (education, career, marriage,
finance, asset, health, luck to parenthood.)
Annual Reading – Analysis of the one year period (January to December) ((or))
from one birth date to the next year birth date (or) from the present month for
a year ahead. In this you may ask two important questions pertaining to that
Life Reading – covering - education, career, abroad prospects, marriage,
finance, asset, health, relationship with co-born and parents, brief report on
the present bukthi running under major dasa, and, brief about transit of major
planets – Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu. (In this you may ask two important
questions pertaining to the individual)
Analysis of a Dasa with its bukthis – Totally 9 bukthis for each dasa.
Marriage Compatibility.
Elaborate transit analysis of major planets – Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu.
Business partnership compatibility.
In depth study of doshas in the chart.
Astrological service/counseling charges shall be intimated on enquiry by
email/whatsapp. Online consultation are also undertaken.
On receipt of service charges acknowledgement shall be sent through email/whatsapp.
Analysis shall be sent through email/whatsapp in 3 to 5 business days (excluding
week - ends).
Client is welcome to clarify doubts if any on the analysis/reading sent within a
week through phone/whatsapp/zoom – on prior mutual appointment.
Follow up questions after a month are chargeable accordingly..